财新传媒 财新传媒


既然通胀不利于股票,那么投什么好呢?在巴菲特《通货膨胀如何欺诈股票投资者》一文的最后,《财富》杂志介绍了巴菲特作为一个成功的投资者,千万富翁的背景。而且,《财富》杂志还问了一个关键的问题:“为什么一个对股票这么不看好的人拥有这么多的股票?”巴菲特的回答:“一部分原因是习惯了” “另一部分原因是股票意味着生意,拥有生意比拥有黄金或者农场有趣多了。除此之外,股票恐怕仍然是在通胀时期所有很差的投资选择中最好的了。至少你如果买在了合适的价格上,股票是最好的选择。”  

About Warren Buffett  

The author is, in fact, one of the most visible stock-market investors in the U.S. these days. He's had plenty to invest for his own account ever since he made $25 million running an investment partnership during the 1960's. Buffett Partnership Ltd., based in Omaha, was an immensely successful operation, but he nevertheless closed up shop at the end of the decade. A January, 1970, FORTUNE article explained his decision: "he suspects that some of the juice has gone out of the stock market and that sizable gains in the future are going to be very hard to come by."

Buffett, who is now forty-six and still operating out of Omaha, has a diverse portfolio. He and businesses he controls have interests in over thirty public corporations. His major holdings: Berkshire Hathaway (he owns about$35 million worth) and Blue Chip Stamps (about $10 million). His visibility, recently increased by a Wall Street Journal profile, reflects his active managerial role in both companies, both of which invest in a wide range of enterprises; one is the Washington Post.

And why does a man who is gloomy about stocks own so much stock? "Partly, it's habit," he admits. "Partly, it's just that stocks mean business, and owning businesses is much more interesting than owning gold or farmland. Besides, stocks are probably still the best of all the poor alternatives in an era of inflation - at least they are if you buy in at appropriate prices."








404篇文章 8年前更新

“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”   乐于此,贝乐斯。 职业投资者,合伙人。
